In times like this you can't dwell on the time that passed between your last words, just think of the times you did have and the memories you will always hold – I've been struggling for days to deal with the reality that you're gone, though some time had passed since we last talked, I often think fondly of memories we shared – The mullet you had in 1st grade that we often made fun of when you had no hair - the spelling bee you won in the 5th grade – Camp Campbell Guard, my dad still talks about you from chaperoning - You, Nikki and I making spaghetti at your place after the bar one night at 3:00am, but Tonka ate your portion as you lay on the kitchen floor - you sticking up for Nikki, Brenda and I to some guys at the bar, even though they were just a little bigger than you and you were just 1 person – and so many, many more – these bring smiles and tears, as the reality that you're really gone starts to set in – R.I.P. Justin Hatfield – the lives you touched are many and your memory lives on through all of them!!
Natalie Berry (James)